Johnny Price

Johnny Price

Tech Evangelizer
41 points
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Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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Including testimonials, case studies, and recognizable logos from clients or partners can build trust.
Louis Garnier
Effective way to build trust and social proof on website?
Louis Garnier
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Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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We prefer LinkedIn.
What is your go to social media channel for business?
Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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I always think positively until I get over the thought of "I can't do this."
What limiting beliefs have you overcome?
Sepideh Yazdi
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Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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The next weekend. Hahahaha
What motivates you to work on monday?
Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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Google Workspace for docs, sheets, slides.
What are the most effective productivity tools and platforms for remote work?
sinem alageyik
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Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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Upvoted ! Goodluck
Aida Zu is now LIVE🔥 - help us to make this launch awesome
Johnny Price
Johnny Price
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Better build something before launching something.
Daniel Shinall
Do you build and launch products anonymously? Why or why not?
Daniel Shinall
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