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John Farrell
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After I found a handy spreadsheet of all the card types I decided to try and make a simple UI to search and filter the list of available cards.
This project was started after heading to an Angular Mix in September 2018 in order to solidify what I learned and get some angular experience from a real application.

Terraforming Mags Cards
Searchable cards for the board game Terraforming Mars.

Terraforming Mars by FryxGames is a board game that is highly dependent on deploying different cards to help you terraform the martian landscape.
There are over 250 cards. It is tough to learn them so it is useful to have a repository of cards to browse.
There are over 250 cards. It is tough to learn them so it is useful to have a repository of cards to browse.

Terraforming Mags Cards
Searchable cards for the board game Terraforming Mars.

John Farrell
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I'd be really interested to read the study but don't like how downloading is blocked if you don't agree to receive an email newsletter. I'm assuming the email newsletter is part of a sales pitch or some kind of drip campaign.
Pros: UI is nice.
Cons: Downloading is only possible if you agree to receive email updates.

The State of Product Leadership 2019
How the role of the software Product Manager is evolving

One Bag Travel is a curated collection of minimalist packing lists, compatible carry on luggage, and related information.
Save money and never struggle carrying too much luggage around again.
Learn how to travel extra light on your next adventure by looking at what other people pack for their own.

One Bag Travel
A collection of minimalist packing lists