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Johannes Engler
Kadoa uses AI to explore, extract, and transform web data. Save hours of time creating and maintaining web scrapers. Extract the data you need effortlessly with Kadoa.
Scrape websites easily with AI
Johannes Engler
Looria finds and analyzes trusted product reviews. So you don't have to.
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Johannes Engler
Looria finds and analyzes trusted product reviews. So you don't have to.
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Johannes Engler
SeekVPN uses the latest in NLP to help you understand what Reddit and Hacker News has to say about VPNs.
SeekVPN by Reviewr
SeekVPN by Reviewr
The Best VPNs According to Reddit & Hacker News
Johannes Engler
Knifist collects reviews and prices of the world's most popular backpacks. Knifist uses the latest in NLP to help you understand what the internet has to say about each backpack.
Knifist by Reviewr
Knifist by Reviewr
Find your future favorite knife
Johannes Engler
Baqpa collects reviews and prices of the world's most popular backpacks. Baqpa uses the latest in NLP to help you understand what the internet has to say about each backpack.
Baqpa by Reviewr
Baqpa by Reviewr
Explore the top backpacks according to the internet
Johannes Engler
Reviewr collects and summarizes reviews, so you don't have to. Reviewr is powered by the latest in NLP. Add Reviewr to your website with our widget or API and increase buyer trust.
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Collect and summarize reviews from across the internet
Johannes Engler
Supplerior helps you to keep an overview of your supplements and thus to achieve continuous maximum performance.
suppplement tracking app