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Joey Cofone
The haiku is a traditional Japanese poem that originated in the 16th century. The heart of a haiku attempts to capture a moment in time.
This project was created by the team at Baronfig to celebrate human creativity and collaboration.
Haiku Project by Baronfig
Haiku Project by Baronfig
Build haiku with people around the world
Joey Cofone
Joey Cofone
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Gorgeous! I want all of them for myself. :)
A Kids Book About
A Kids Book About
A collection of challenging and empowering kids books.
+1 comment
Joey Cofone

Baron Fig and Codecademy represent two sides of the thinker coin—analog and digital. Computerworld is a result of these sides coming together to inspire learning, thinking, and collaboration.

The limited paper type is called 'Code Ruled.' It's designed to reflect a dev code environment: numbers from top to bottom; indentation markers.

A limited edition notebook by Baron Fig + Codecademy
Joey Cofone

Treasured ideas are meant to be kept safe. Like a key to a lock, a notebook and pen are made for each other to uncover mysteries—and conceal those of your own.

Lock & Key by Baron Fig
Lock & Key by Baron Fig
A notebook and pen set with a six level cypher.
Joey Cofone

New York-based designer Khoi Vinh, former Art Director at The New York Times and current Principle Designer at Adobe, wanted to create a notebook filled with visual prompts. We collaborated to transform a Confidant into an inspirational companion.

Unfinish by Baron Fig
Unfinish by Baron Fig
An interactive notebook.
Joey Cofone

Mastermind by Baron Fig is one of our newest products. It started as an experiment, but our customers ended up *loving* it. Now the Mastermind is a standard part of our offerings.

Mastermind by Baron Fig
Mastermind by Baron Fig
A notebook that fits perfectly under your keyboard
Joey Cofone
Bags for Thinkers
Baron Fig's new minimal backpack, messenger, and tote
Joey Cofone
Confidant 2.0
Confidant 2.0
Baron Fig's notebook for ideas, now in three sizes 📚
Joey Cofone
Baron Fig Alphabet
Baron Fig Alphabet
A limited edition black rollerball to get your ideas out.
Joey Cofone
Baron Fig Askew
Baron Fig Askew
A ruled notebook unlike any you’ve ever used.