Helping Joe - 15: Speed Dating Adventures & Mishaps
Helpin Joe - 14: Joe cancels date #3 with a great girl. The guys help him get her back.
Helping Joe - 13: Changing ineffective thought patterns, building real confidence
Snoop Dogg - Chuck Liddell
The Intern Podcast - The preview
The Tim Ferriss Show - Jamie Foxx
Mating Grounds - Helping Joe - 12: Connecting with women (and anyone) requires vulnerability
The Mating Grounds - 11: Helping Joe. You Don’t Need To Have Everything
The Mating Grounds - 10: Helping Joe
NPR's Fresh Air - Jay Z
Helping Joe - 9: Joe Goes Speed Dating
Traction - #13: More Women. Fewer Trolls. Better Internet.
Founder's Journey - How freemium nearly caused our business to implode
Reply All - 45: The Rainbow Pug
Note to Self - When a School Has a Sexting Problem
Codebreaker - 1: Email
WTF with Marc Maron - Lorne Michaels
Helping Joe - 8: She's not really out of your league
Hunt the Truth — S1E1: A hairline fracture