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Joe Jiang
iOS 18 Homescreen Wishlist: 1. Apps register function calls to iOS 18's AI assistant. 2. AI uses app widgets to display results, auto-selecting the corresponding widgets. 3. Widgets be added to the homescreen. SpellBoard is named becauese 'Springboard' of iOS.
App demoing wished-for iOS 18 Homescreen features
Joe Jiang
RecoFeed is a tool for creating personalized recommendation feeds, curating items like articles and videos based on user interests. It generates recommendations locally, ensuring data privacy, and supports AI-enhanced content.
Instantly Transform Your Content into Recommendation Feeds
Joe Jiang
Joe Jiang
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Very very interesting project!
Infinite AI powered alchemy game, inspired by Little Alchemy
Joe Jiang
CloseVector is a vector database with libraries for browsers & node.js. Prioritizing easy integration & scalability, its vector index runs on the user's machine for optimal performance.
Portable Vector database
Joe Jiang
Bring all your trained models with you on your apple devices and customize the workflow to fit your needs.
MegaPortal for macOS
MegaPortal for macOS
Apply AI models locally on your devices with privacy focus