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New Lyft App on IOS
Lyft's biggest app update ever

Jisi Guo
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Camoji of the keyboard in action!

Camoji Keyboard
Angry? Happy? Flirty? Text your homemade GIFs

Camoji 2.0
Create animated GIFs w/ your camera. Now with friends.

Jisi Guo
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Very cool! Camoji looks good on AppStop :)

Turn your App Store listing into a landing page

Jisi Guo
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Great idea since gifs are an amazing but outdated format.
Too bad right now this format still doesn't autoplay and plays with "video" chrome on mobile. Hopefully the major browsers will adopt it.
It would be nice if instead of adding a looping tag & autoplay tag to a html video player you could add it directly to the metadata of a mp4.

Project GIFV
Imgur is reimagining the looping GIF video

Jisi Guo
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This solves a huge pain point with simplicity and great design! Kudos @gkoberger!

Beautiful Documentation Made Easy

Jisi Guo
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It's just swiping for now. There are no user accounts. But in the future swiping will let you vote.

Karma Swipe
Tinder for Reddit

Jisi Guo
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Yes, planning on porting it over to iOS and Android soon.

Karma Swipe
Tinder for Reddit