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Jessica Gottlieb
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Okay this might take my shoulders off my ears.
Between 4 devices, 3 ecosystems and dozens of colleagues - I’m scattered
Very excited to give this a run.

AI copilot for your own research, notes & conversations

Jessica Gottlieb
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I’m a passenger in a car right now and I’m experiencing FOMO like no other.

A camera that takes photos using location data

Jessica Gottlieb
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Any thoughts of partnering with small businesses?

wishlist fund
Let fans fund your wishlist with cash towards gifts

Jessica Gottlieb
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I installed and look forward to playing with it. Thank you for making engagement the first metric. It’s the one I care about most.
Influencer Analytics by BuzzGuru
Free Chrome extension to analyze influencers in your browser

Jessica Gottlieb
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I'm excited to put this into use. I'm a big fan of Streak and having this service incorporated streamlines things for me.

Streak Mail Merge for Gmail
Send mass, personalized emails with automatic followups

Jessica Gottlieb
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How about students in 2 year programs or community colleges?

A marketplace to hire verified students for various tasks

Jessica Gottlieb
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I just went through this process with Apple. I was going to send them an old computer, and then I realized that they used an outside vendor, which I absolutely do not trust the way I trust Apple. How do you deal with privacy issues?

Selling your electronics just got easy

Jessica Gottlieb
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The fact that the founders use the term “taken back” rather than taken aback demonstrates to me that humanities are an absolute necessity in every academic career.

Turing College
Data science career school co-created with tech companies

Jessica Gottlieb
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20+ years ago I started working from home. 15 years ago I made office hours. With few exceptions I get work done during that time, and always in my office. My home has an office in it. When I refused to let my home be my office I became more productive at work and happier at home.
How do you make sure that you aren't over-working or under-working while at home?
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Jessica Gottlieb
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This is absurd, but so are the white seats in my car. Obviously, I want two of them.
Burrito Pop
A twistable burrito holder 🌯

Jessica Gottlieb
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?maker Could this be stored outside on a covered patio or in a garage? Is there a cover for it so it doesn't need to be dusted and also for privacy - since it might live in a bedroom or other area where folks could have an "ooops I'm naked" moment?
Home gym with training built-in

Jessica Gottlieb
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?makers does this work on the assumption that covid is over now? Because... well, it's still starting.
Post COVID-19 Trends
See what’s coming after the crisis ends.

Jessica Gottlieb
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I have so many questions. Are the influencers on this or are those guestimates? Because I'm seeing that someone with 55k subs on youtube should have 3200 views on a video after 30 days? That seems off. Also would someone with 55k subs actualy do a video for $120 as recommended? I haven't bothered with youtube (as an influencer) in a number of years and if these are real numbers then I...

Easy Bloggers
Free influencers search & cost estimation for your campaign.

Jessica Gottlieb
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I love camera free but is it also audio free?
I’m in this weird spot where I love tech but part of me wants to keep this a dumb home.
Personal yoga assistant powered by AI and motion sensors

Jessica Gottlieb
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Of course it's concerning but since most health apps are already running on AWS this sense of "privacy" everyone thinks they have is really just a feeling with a mere sprinkle of reality.
Google now owns Fitbit. Should advertising companies own wearables data?
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