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Making the web better with Slack-like slash commands.

Jesse Pollak
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This seems really terrific — I just started doing a little integration into our signup form for and it's dead simple. We've been Segment and Clearbit users for a long time, and it's always great when they do collaborations :)

Frictionless Signup by Segment & Clearbit
Magically autofill forms and improve conversions

Instant 2FA
Add two-factor auth to any site in minutes

Jesse Pollak
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Hi everyone! The way we communicate is rapidly changing on the web. I think we've seen that evolution matched in our tools for mobile, but on desktop — where tons of us still spend time every day — it's been less speedy. I built Command after getting sick of having to go out of my way to communicate the way I wanted to in emails, Github issues, and on Reddit.
At first, there were two big...

Making the web better with Slack-like slash commands.

Making the web better with Slack-like slash commands.

Log into your favorite sites using your phone

Jesse Pollak
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We used readme to re-do our documentation at Clef [1] after I tweeted asking if anyone knew of a SaaS for docs and @gkoberger set me up with the beta [2]. Two days after first signing up, we had turned our previously ugly documentation into something that we were very proud of.
@gkoberger has built an easy-to-use, beautiful tool that I'm 100% sure will, all by itself, created a new, much...

Beautiful Documentation Made Easy

Jesse Pollak
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I've been using Hacker News alert for a while for my blog, so I figured I'd build out the Product Hunt ecosystem with the same feature set. Right now, it only supports text notifications for domains mentioned on the front page, but if there's interest, I'm up for adding term-based alerts and support for mentions in the comments.
In terms of the actual product, I tried to keep it really...

Product Hunt Alert
Get a text when your domain is mentioned on Product Hunt

Product Hunt Alert
Get a text when your domain is mentioned on Product Hunt

Jesse Pollak
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Typically I hate it when websites capture my scroll, but I must admit that here it actually works very well.
I think this is because each section is completely distinct content and requires a full view of the graphic (rather than the vertical partial you often achieve with a self-scroll).
Either way, nice job using an often overplayed and horrible effect in a really good way.

Extraordinary dataviz feed for/by data nerds & art lovers.

Jesse Pollak
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@ffumarola @pilosof and why do you think that evolution needs to come on top of email?
I use Slack on a day-to-day basis for these short of quick messages between coworkers. Is there a specific reason the email protocol needs to be the underlying framework (besides the fact that it's what we're using today for most communication)?
Two other thoughts:
* in the screenshots, I noticed the...

Turns email into a chat interface

Jesse Pollak
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My real question about all of these email-fixed type apps is whether they're supposed to be adopted for *all* our email or just some types.
Are we supposed to keep a second app around to manage longer emails and less familiar outbound communication or are we supposed to try and cram all our threads into the structure forced by the app?
I'm not sure adding the additional overhead of managing...

Turns email into a chat interface

Jesse Pollak
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@samclamdisco from your origin story, it sounds like this service is primarily targeted for bodyguard-esque security services. Is that the case or do you also think there's a market for event security (or additional help at bars and restaurants)?
On a separate note, is $35 the going standard for hired security? I ask because where I went to college that was the cost per guard per hour for...

Uber for security

Jesse Pollak
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When I saw this, the first thing I thought of was Taplytics ( Is there anything actually different between the products or this just Optimizely's move into the same market?
Also — the onboarding on the landing page for the two products looks remarkably similar [1] . Coincidence or were y'all inspired directly by their page?
On an unrelated note, I just had a horrible...

Optimizely for iOS
Fast and scalable A/B testing for iOS apps (public beta)

Jesse Pollak
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@bendrucker — A bunch of people in the Github issues requested an Angular directive, so if you do that, let me know and I'll link back to it.

Make your credit card form better in one line of code.

Jesse Pollak
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On an indirect product note, this was one of a few side projects that's been sitting on my computer for a long time. I committed the bulk of code in December, but just never got around to finishing up that final 10% (even though I knew that it was likely something people would get excited about).
I think there two main reasons I do that with projects.
1) Often, the last 10% isn't nearly...

Make your credit card form better in one line of code.

Jesse Pollak
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This project just started out as me wanting to implement credit card faces and logos in CSS. I'd see a lot of things done (like Skeuocard), but thought that most of them were pretty ugly, so I was curious to see if I could make beautiful and reusable image free components for the web.
After getting all the design done, I realized that it might be nice to bundle it into something that people...

Make your credit card form better in one line of code.