Jeremy Heffner

Jeremy Heffner

Entrepreneur, Data Scientist, Techie
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Jeremy Heffner is a new type of job matchmaking service that works by matching job seekers' skills and career interests (i.e. benefits, growth opportunities) to employers' job listings, dramatically improving the chances of hiring a great match!
We find the role that fits your life
Jeremy Heffner
Ace interviews with ease! Upload your resume and job description; get a custom list of interview questions to prep effectively and stand out.
Interview Prep Tool
Interview Prep Tool
Apply, prep, impress - interview success tool
Jeremy Heffner
Unlock your career potential with a compelling cover letter instantly! By aligning your resume's experience with the job description, it creates a tailor-fitted letter that speaks directly to employers, showcasing your experience and suitability for the role.
Cover Letter Writer
Cover Letter Writer
Custom, tailored
Jeremy Heffner
FlexDS gives you access to a team of talented data scientists all for less than the cost of a single full-time employee
Flexible data science resources for a fixed monthly fee