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Jeremy Haldo
We use AI to analyze thousands of statistics during live soccer games and identify interesting betting opportunities (incoming goals, etc..). Users can also configure their own customized alerts - without any code - and create fine-tuned strategies.
OhMyGoat - AI based Soccer picks
We use AI to alert you of betting opportunities
Jeremy Haldo
This is a different approach from the usual "Bookmarks". - Input the websites you often browse. - Determine how often you wish to visit them (daily, monthly, etc.). - Every morning, get a list of your daily "To Visit" tasks.
My Daily Routine
My Daily Routine
Generate a daily "To Visit" list for your browsing routine
Jeremy Haldo
If you like to discover new products but don't want to be influenced by upvotes or comments, we have the solution. No fluff and no algorithmic sorted list. Discover 1 product at a time, and swipe to navigate. That's it.
Discover new products, one slide at at time