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Jeremy Cleverly
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Alexey - This is something we struggled with (and I think many others do as well) for quite some time. My suggestions would be to get as granular as possible in defining who you believe your early adopters would be - not just who you thing would benefit most from your product, but which group would benefit and is also likely to buy/adopt it.
An approach we have taken is it use focus groups...
How to Find Product-Market Fit?
Alexey Shashkov
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Correctly identifying potential early adopters and crafting a message that resonates with them (I know, it's only 2 and no 3, but they are two big ones lol)
What are the top 3 problems you were faced with when building & launching your products ?
Wael Khattar
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Highly recommend "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek
What non-fiction book do you read at the moment and recommend to read to be trend-updated)?
Sasha Briu
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Our company is currently raising a late-seed round. We already have a MVP and traction now that we are in market. In addition to being a founder of a company currently raising, I'm also part of an angel investment group, so I suppose I have experience on both sides of the table if you have some specific questions I might be able to help answer.
What are some startups who might be looking to raise Seed or Series A funding in the near future?
Declan Kelley
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Is it worth it? Yes. Is it 10 or 100x more work and hurdles than you could ever imagine when starting out? Absolutely. I'm on my 2nd venture now after successfully exiting a healthcare company I opened and built from the ground up. Despite having built a business before I'm still learning as this current venture is tech-based. All that being said, I'd encourage everyone to strike out at...
Is it really worth it?
Nova N.
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Weather permitting, local park near my kiddo's school.
What's your favourite remote work setting?
Dhruv Bhatia
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Some of the answer would depend upon what type of product or service you are selling. Prior to my current venture (which I will come back to) I owned an urgent care company. We sold a service, but it was more of a top of mind than anything. To that end we ran monthly Facebook contests - Like, Comment, Share for a change to win "x" Usually a prize worth a couple hundred bucks; something made...
What is the best marketing growth hack that you actually used and saw results?
Brandon Gaille
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Be conscious of "leeches". Once words gets out that you have or are building a company other companies or individuals will come out of the woodwork offering their services - some of which you need, many of which you do not or are over-priced. Make sure any engagement you agree to is based upon solid financial criteria and not the emotion of wanting to see your company succeed. There are many...
What advice would you give yourself when you first became an Entrepreneur?
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Jeremy Cleverly
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"Successful" is a subjective term my friend lol, but after a long time in development and beta, we did launch in 2020.
Who successfully launched their startup in 2020?
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Might be over simplifying some, but identify a problem. Ideally a problem that affects a lot of people...then create a simple, yet elegant solution.
How to find product ideas like a serial entrepreneur ?
advait vaidya
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Jeremy Cleverly
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I email myself each morning; not sure if that counts. I'm a horrible sleeper, but the upside is that I often have creative thoughts come to me while I'm laying in bed. In order to not forget them I keep an open draft of an email addressed to myself on my phone each night as I go to bed...if I think of something I quickly add a sentence to the email - just enough to jog by memory in the morning.
Do you text yourself?
Jason Piao
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Jeremy Cleverly
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We're a new app that is trying to transform how people connect. The name of our app is HomePage. That being the case, we wanted to invite people "Home for the holidays"...kind of invite people to examine all of the ways we connect and communicate and the hurtles involved with just saying connected to everyone.
What is the MVP you want to create over the holidays?
Dan Gusz
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Jeremy Cleverly
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One approach I've found that has been semi-successful is to specifically designate individual responsibilities to each member. When one (or in your case two) are not pulling their weight it will become very apparent and be difficult for the individual to blame others for not having completed something. This will then give you an opening to address the shortcomings and hopefully resolve the...
How do you motivate co-founders to commit with you on an idea?
Makoae Wilson
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Having just launched a new app, HomePage, our top KPI's are downloads, those who set up a profile, those who return...also (and yes this would be 4, but I think it is important to track the negative in any business) how many deletes we have per day.
What are your 3 most important metrics to track?
Khalid Belghiti
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Jeremy Cleverly
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First off, congratulations on both the launch of your product and your upcoming marriage! Truly, let both of those things sink in before you dive into the weeds on your product launch.
I've launched and successfully exited a healthcare company before, but recently launched an app based company and it is a whole new experience. That being said, many of the challenges remain the same, and...
I am getting married in 5 days and my startup has 0 revenue!
Ullekh Niraula
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Jeremy Cleverly
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Maybe the easiest way to tell you who we are is by telling you who we are not. We are not a Silicon Valley, Venture Capital backed company. We have bootstrapped and self-funded the creation of HomePage ourselves with one goal in mind: To change how the world connects. Lofty goal we know, but one we feel is certainly worth pursuing!

Smart contact list and communication app

Chances are your contacts are all over the place. Some are on your phone; some are in your email and others are spread across multiple social media sites & you’re responsible for keeping track of it all – until now. Welcome to HomePage!

Smart contact list and communication app