Jennifer Phan

Jennifer Phan

Co-founder at Passionfroot
200 points
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Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
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Looks promising - congrats on your launch!
Create stunning 3D models with AI
Jennifer Phan
Discover, book, and collaborate with quality creators to promote your product to +130M people. All creators run their business on Passionfroot - so you get replies fast and make bespoke collabs as easy as google ads. Growth starts with Discovery.
Passionfroot Discovery
Discover & book top creators to promote your product
Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
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Excited to try this out!
Your GPT with accurate, fast, unlimited external knowledge
Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
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We're launching! Excited for our first PH launch :)
Olena Bomko
Is anyone going to launch in November/December? Share your products here 👇
Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
started a discussion

How today's biggest B2B Startups got their first 10 customers

Lenny recently published a great newsletter issue on "How to find and win your first 10 B2B customers" ( and mentioned the following tactics: 1) Start by reaching out to your network, looking for people who match your ICP 2) Go cold outbound, but be strategic about it 3) Tap your investors’ networks 4) Participate in...
Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
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What type of audience do you want to reach? Newsletters might be otherwise a good option!
Advertising on Product Hunt? We are thinking about advertisement options. Can anyone help?
Johnberg Arslan
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Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
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We are! How are you preparing for it, Alex? :)
Alex Kim
Our product will launch next month! Is there anyone else who will launch next month?
Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
started a discussion

Do you work with creators to get your products in front of the right people?

PhotoAI founder Pieter Levels did TikTok influencer outreach which pushed his MRR from $11k to $38k MRR. founder David Parks partnered with TikTok creators to grow from 0 to 1 million users in 9 months What are your experiences?
Jennifer Phan
Jennifer Phan
left a comment
Awesome, congrats on the launch!!!
Turn your long-term goals into reality