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Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

Who's launching soon? Let's support each other!

Hey, I'd love your support on our launch in mid-July for our collaborate scope of work and change request software. I'd also love to support others, drop your link here
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

Bootstrap Marketing

Hey everyone, I'm launching my product in July and would love to hear from others of any clever marketing tips you've either done or heard of that had high impact with a low budget?
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

Are you motivated to buy through a problem or tools for business?

Hey guys, when you last purchased a software tool were you swayed by the messaging of ‘solving a big pain point’ or was it more like tools to get your job done? Or perhaps a mixture of both? Thanks!
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

What's the best tool for product onboarding?

Hey guys! I'm in the early stages of beta testing my Proposal & Scope Management software 'Scopey'. I'm looking for a free onboarding tool, that will help show users around the software. I like ones that have a little checklist. Any recommendations? Thanks!
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
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The link is broken for me Borja
Borja Soler
Share you landing page, I will review it and provide feedback 🔥
+1 comment
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

Are you familiar with the term 'scope creep'? If not what term do you use?

When clients request changes or additional features/services outside of the agreed scope of work, how do you describe this? What pain does it cause you? How do you manage it?
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
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I use Figma to turn designs into clickable prototypes
Shantanu Bhosale
Best tools for showcasing your ideas or quickly developing MVP?
Shantanu Bhosale
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Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

Best tools for beta testing?

Hello 👋 We are starting the process of testing our MVP (Scopey) with users, and I’m wondering what tools people use to monitor usage. It’s built on Google Firebase. I’ve used Hotjar for websites, not sure if that works for web apps? Any insights are appreciated! Thanks!
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
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Excited to try it!
Morgan Kung
Seeking Feedback of Our Just Launched Free Screenshot Tool - Gemoo Snap 2.0!
Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
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Hi Canberk, happy to connect!
Hey Product Hunt community! 👋 I'm Canberk, and I'm excited to be here with all of you.
Johnberg Arslan
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Jenna Farrell
Jenna Farrell
started a discussion

Scope creep costs a business 15% per year. What are you doing about it? 👀

Hey Product Hunt Community! 👋 I'm Jenna, a UI/UX designer and agency owner. Juggling the roles of Designer, Project Manager, and Sales Manager has been my biggest challenge. Scope creep was a huge pain of mine, without a streamlined system, I ended up doing extra work for free, often in the evening when I could have been watching quality television like Love Island. Existing tools were too...