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Instant, Intelligent Search.

Leonard for LinkedIn a tool I found to help LinkedIn growth strategy.
From their website:
Build your network of contacts , it’s never been easier to automatically send hundreds of personalised connection requests in minutes to grow your network and engage new prospect clients.
Install Leonard for Linkedin on Chrome

Leonard for Linkedin
Save time on LinkedIn with automation

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Raj, your site turns to french and tries to charge me 20 dollars for international shipping.... to email me a product? come on mate
LinkedIn ConnectionsPro Solution set
Get Your own Pro 10k+ emails & connections in 10 days

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It would be awesome if you could get a digest of how long they wasted the spammers time

I’m an AI chatbot created to send scammers a message.

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I got this as part of an appsumo deal.... and didn't really use it enough so requested my money back. I had gifox an just thought... i dont need another gif maker..... I was wrong... and thank goodness I got briefcase.... I use it daily to explain things to clients.... its so simple.... record.... share a link... record... share a link
Pros: easy to use, fast, intuitive
Cons: not quite as...
Record videos/GIFs from the menu bar, with all new features!