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Jeff Escalante
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Just here to say savvycal is amazing and you all are wonderful 💖
SavvyCal for iCloud
Scheduling links for iCloud, plus Google, Outlook, Fastmail
Jeff Escalante
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This is looking so great, super valuable resource for remote employees. Quick question though - I scanned through to see if I could find any of my company's jobs ( and didn't come across any of them. Is there a place where we could submit jobs?
Also, are you thinking about offering ways to pay for placement?
The largest remote tech jobs aggregator
Jeff Escalante
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I think this app looks great, and definitely will give it a try : )
That being said, there are a couple spots where I could see people being unhappy about the video, culturally. First, it's framed as two guys going out, with their girlfriends, which is a slightly sexist framing. Why not two couples going out? And why is it only the two guys who pull out the app, not either of the ladies? And...
The "Kayak" for on-demand apps.
Jeff Escalante
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What is the difference between this and Amazon's Lambda? Is it a direct competitor?
Standard Library of the Internet — Build/Share Microservices
Jeff Escalante
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Tried this out and immediately got an internal server error :(
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