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Get 5x more qualified candidates with the first recruitment AI dedicated to SMEs and ad-hoc needs.
Use AI to broadcast your job offer across the web (social networks, Google and its websites) and beyond the usual job boards in a few clicks.
Seeqle Starter
Recruitment AI for SMBs and one-off needs

Our AI based Generator, gives engaging, personalized job postings that highlight your company's unique benefits and responsibilities. Designed to adapt to any positions and different levels of experience, the AI generates in seconds a ready-to-use job offer.
AI Job Offer Generator
Get an effective & personalized job offer to attract talents

Get 10 free recruitment email templates for busy executives and recruiters depending on your need

Recruitment Email Templates Generator
Recruitment email for busy executives and recruiters !

Get a free list of the best questions used by hiring managers to identify skills that are difficult to assess.

Interview Question Generator
Used by HR managers to detect skills that are hard to assess

Let powerful algorithms analyze big data to find out how many active and passive candidates match your needs on the web. You can then reach them with your employer brand and job offers through programmatic recruitment.

Candidate Audience Analyzer
AI finds how many active/passive candidates match your need

Seeqle's algorithms analyse socio-demographic and behavioural web (big) data to allow organizations to distribute their job offers directly to targeted candidates via programmatic ads on hundreds of websites & apps, Google, Indeed and on social networks.

#1 Automated Programmatic Recruitment Solution