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Jakub T. Jankiewicz
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You can test the language by visiting the playground

Gaiman Programming Language
Language for creating terminal web based applications

Gaiman is a programming language (a DSL - Domain-Specific language) based on Ruby that simplifies creating text-based games for the browser and in the future for the command line as well.

Gaiman Programming Language
Language for creating terminal web based applications

Jakub T. Jankiewicz
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I've written an article about using SEO for marketing your Open Source projects:
You can also search "How to promote open source project" in Google there are a few articles about the topic.
How to promote an open-source project?
David Tran
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Jakub T. Jankiewicz
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The version 1.0 is getting closer each new beta version is better and better.

LIPS Scheme
Powerful Scheme based lisp in JavaScript

LIPS is powerful lisp based on Scheme. It's compatible with R5RS and mostly with R7RS. But It add lot of features on top of Scheme. The interpreter is written in JavaScript and it work in Browser and Node.js.

LIPS Scheme
Powerful Scheme based lisp in JavaScript

Jakub T. Jankiewicz
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I have the my personal note taking app, where I keep all my notes and I keep a journal TIL (as a note) for things I've learned, but not the stuff from new technology I'm currently learning. I also usually, when I learning new tech like JavaScript framework, have testing app where I'm adding new stuff and sometimes have separated Note for language framework. For Vue.js I'm learning right now I...
How do you share/organize knowledge at work and life?
Gabriel Birnbaum
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