Jay • www.sectar.co

Jay • www.sectar.co

Building www.sectar.co
113 points
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Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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Sectar : Improve cashflow for service providers by ensuring they get paid on time, every time.
Ghulam Abbas
What does your Product/Startup do? Describe in one sentence.
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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Would I be I judged if I say neither? 🙃
Lukas Rüger
Coffee or tea: Which beverage fuels your mornings?
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
started a discussion

10 years of fiddling with entrepreneurship and this is the most important lesson for me

The hardest thing to deal with as an entrepreneur is not risk or failure. It’s uncertainty. Especially when you are just starting. What’s the difference? Doing something even though you know that the odds of failure are higher is a risk. Doing something even though you know nothing of the outcome is uncertainty. This can get very intimidating at times. The possibility of failure can...
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
started a discussion

Yes or no? Product Hunt needs a dedicated place for the discussions you posted.

It gets really tricky trying to find the discussions I created on the iOS app. Even on the web, I need to open my activity logs to find the discussion. Is it just me or do you guys think so too?
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
started a discussion

What’s the secret to getting 1,000+ upvotes?

We’ve managed to 300+ upvotes for our previous launch. Plan to launch my SaaS product in April. What can we do better/different to hit that 1,000 mark. Of course, the number can be relative or even arbitrary. But 1,000 does seem to be a benchmark for a good product. I might be wrong here 🙃
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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What tool do you use to plan your work & why?

1. I use Todoist as a jotter-pad to put everything in - personal, professional, habits, household. 2. A book and pen to plan the next day. I do this the night before. I carry the book around everywhere 🙃 3. Notion as my project management tool which sort of acts as a source for my “work” related tasks.
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
started a discussion

Feedback needed : Guys, we launched our landing page for Sectar

We’ve been building Sectar from the ground up to create tools and resources for the hustlers, builders and the entrepreneurs of the world. As a pilot, we launched the landing page with our first tool/package aimed at Freelancers. www.sectar.co Would love your to know your feedback on the design, the ease of use and the copywriting. You guys rock! Also, wish me luck. Getting back to being...
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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And rightly so, Olena. Congratulations and keep doing what you do best.
Olena Bomko
🔥 I'm nominated as The Community Member of the Year on Product Hunt.
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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Early product feedback and traction.
Olena Bomko
What's your main goal on Product Hunt?
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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3 hours a day. There are always off days where I don't get even a few minutes on it.
Julia Doronina
How many hours a day do you spend working on your startup (project)?
Julia Doronina
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Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
started a discussion

I launched a #1 ranked non-AI product in August which received 310 Upvotes and 24 reviews. AMA!

Hello builders and makers, I and my team launched Fitmap here on Product Hunt in August. Thanks to the community, we are currently one of the top health and fitness apps of 2023. Placed 8th. https://www.producthunt.com/categories/health-fitness Ask me anything. I'll try my best to be useful, and in the process, try to learn something.
Jay • www.sectar.co
Jay • www.sectar.co
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Be helpful :) Wishing you the best!
Ritesh Kumar Prasad
Hello PH community, on my 11th day streak! What do you think I should do to boost my followers?
Ritesh Kumar Prasad
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