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Yay is a gamification engine directly exposing a web service API to bring everyone the joy of gamification and integrating any kinds of gamified features into your organisation. Yay's aim is to integrate into many landscapes by offering extension points that are flexible and easy to use with the ultimate goal to write your own tailored integration.

Gamification made simple.

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We've vastly improved (I mean, you saw it before!) the setup/configuration help for logged-in users. Check it out, and if you have any problems, please let us know what information can be clearer, and what we've missed! Thanks!

Slack's reactions on your site

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Over the next week or so, I promise to rewrite all the installation and configuration documentation because I know some people are having problems with that. Thanks to everyone using Emoji Rodeo - pretty cool to see that some people are into it!

Slack's reactions on your site

Slack's reactions on your site