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SuperTrivia brings fun trivia right in your web browser. No installation, no signup required.
Great for large groups of people - coworkers, friends, fans. With 50+ topics and 5k+ questions, it's like Kahoot on steroids. SuperTrivia is completely free!
Great for large groups of people - coworkers, friends, fans. With 50+ topics and 5k+ questions, it's like Kahoot on steroids. SuperTrivia is completely free!

SuperTrivia for Web
Free trivia game, unlimited players, readymade decks

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We know you’ve watched Squid Game. Now, are you ready to play it? Head over to Bored on Slack and fire up a round of trivia. Beware, there could be spoilers ahead, but that wouldn’t bother you. You’ve binged the show over a weekend, haven’t you?

Squid Game Trivia
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