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Janet Gee
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When I was studying at College of Contract Management, I thought I would never graduate from college. I barely had money after moving out of my parents' house and living on my own. As a result, I had to work full time in order to survive, but I still wanted to finish my college degree. Because of this school, I was able to keep my job and study part time at their college through online courses....

Online Learning College Courses
Find out more what you can learn with many optional courses.

The independent online learning process is supported by a variety of resources. Additionally, we have multiple high-quality educational courses students can choose from and study at the comfort of their own home!

Online Learning College Courses
Find out more what you can learn with many optional courses.

Janet Gee
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I did a course in Digital Marketing and SEO with the College of Contract Management as I'm relatively new to the marketing industry, and they taught me so much about onsite and offsite SEO. As a few others have said, the tip is to research your competitors and see who they are linked to and then use that knowledge to then formulate a plan of where you want to share your content.
How to find guest posting sites?
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Janet Gee
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I think it all depends on the course style you are looking for. I recently completed an online course through the College of Contract Management and so far, its been the best for me. I have tried Youtube and Udemy before, but those didnt suit me as well. The best part about the ccm is that the courses are interactive, so, if like me you have loads of questions, you can ask your lecturer.
What is the best online learning platform?
Pablo Fatas
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Janet Gee
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I have found that my issue was keeping engaged. I LOVE making notes, but i also like keeping my notes tidy and if possible colour ordinated... which I know is silly but it helps me take the information in if i really take my time with it as opposed to just scribbling things as i go. So my issue was, if im watching an online lecture I wouldn't be able to keep up with the fancy notes so i would...
Worst thing when you do an online course?
Tasos V
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Janet Gee
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Hi Martina,
So i have taken a few solo learning courses over time, I have been lucky enough to be funded to do 2 NVQ's and a Diploma through my previous careers. For me, I've found that i schedule in study hours into my diary each week. I put aside 2/3 hours either at the weekend (I quite like a Saturday EARLY morning) to focus on nothing but my course content. I am also a sucker for making...
How do you organize your solo learning? Any platforms you'd recommend?
Martina Hackbartt
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Janet Gee
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Mine is the college of contract management. They have loads of courses in a lot of different subjects and a really helpful blog that discusses things like bsc hons degree and HND meaning. I'll pop the link here:
What is your favorite online course platform?
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