Janet Gee

Janet Gee

Just taking life one day at a time
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Janet Gee
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Janet Gee
Janet Gee
started a discussion

Where is best to share a blog post that you've written?

I've recently started blogging, and I'm quite proud of some of the things I am writing, but I don't know the best place to share it other than with family. Are there any blog share websites?
Janet Gee
Janet Gee
started a discussion

What is the best way to work towards a promotion at work?

I know it seems simple like "work hard" but are there anything other things I can do to give me an extra push?
Janet Gee
Janet Gee
started a discussion

Do you prefer online learning or face to face lessons?

Since the way the world works has changed, I would be interested to know if people prefer learning online now or if you're old fashioned like me and prefer a face to face lecture?