James Lewis

James Lewis

Financing for SaaS → lemon.co
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James Lewis
James Lewis
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Find out what ChatGPT thinks about your SaaS pricing page

I spent some time playing with the ChatGPT API and decided to create a (somewhat silly) pricing page teardown tool. Enter your (or any) SaaS pricing page URL and it will do its best to summarise and give you some suggestions. Let me know what you think, helpful? https://teardown.spendlemon.com
James Lewis
James Lewis
started a discussion

What software development process do you use?

Hello! I'm in the process of building a product management planning tool. I'm looking to learn from people at software teams about how they work, to help me ensure I'm solving real world problem (and yes, I'm also planning on speaking to customers, not just running surveys 😅). If that's you, please take 5 mins to fill out my survey: https://forms.gle/GqYqYFji5ZWwtJKj7 I will share the...