James David Moffet

James David Moffet

Civic Technologist
7 points
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James David Moffet

Vote.org by Outvote is an app to remind your friends to vote in the upcoming midterms. It's pretty simple, we provide you with a few prepared messages with info on how to check you registration status, find your polling place, and learn more about early voting and vote-by-mail options available in your state. Then you text it to your friends!

Vote.org app by Outvote
Vote.org app by Outvote
Remind your friends to vote in the upcoming midterms
James David Moffet

The Outvote app tells you which of your friends live in a critical swing district, their party affiliation, and whether they have missed past elections. Then it lets you send them a prepared text message that include all the relevant links and information they’ll need to vote in the upcoming midterms.

Your friends can flip elections