Jakub Stęplowski

Jakub Stęplowski

Student of Computer Engineering
All activity
Jakub Stęplowski

View the lyrics of any song currently playing on Spotify with the help of this lightweight software application that requires no setup.

The project is open source.

Spotify Lyrics .NET
Spotify Lyrics .NET
Get the lyrics of the song you're listening to on Spotify
Jakub Stęplowski

reviewti.me is a website to monitor the review times of the major app stores.

The data are user generated, so if you're a developer, spread the word and post your past and future experience, it's super easy and fast!

The average review times of the most popular app stores.
Jakub Stęplowski

devRant unofficial UWP is the first and unique devRant (unofficial) client for Windows 10!

It's available on PC, Mobile, HoloLens, Xbox One and Surface Hub for free.

devRant unofficial UWP
devRant unofficial UWP
The first and unique devRant UWP client