Jake Weber

Jake Weber

I like building cool things!
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Jake Weber
Greenwich connects the most interesting places on the web through superscript subway stations, created by our curious residents. This extension is your Metrocard. With it, you can hop aboard any Greenwich train, traveling from one connected website to another.
Suggest links + view suggestions from others for any webpage
Jake Weber
Cubicle is the simplest task management app, built around the Pomodoro technique of working in 20 minute batches. Cubicle does five things very well: set 3 tasks for your next 20 minutes, set 3 daily tasks, take notes, track completed tasks, and run a timer.
Batch your to do list in 20 minute sprints
Jake Weber
I built one of the earliest ChatGPT Chrome Extensions back in December 2022 and am happy to share it today! ChromeGPT is a super simple Chrome Extension that lets you send and receive messages with OpenAI's GPT. It uses the divinci-002 completion model.
Chat with GPT from anywhere on the web!
Jake Weber
Reading This lets you make a top five list of your current reading recommendations and share that list via a link. Reading This also has a page where you can see the recommendations that other users are making.
Reading This
Reading This
Linktree for your current favorite reads
Jake Weber
I wanted the same experience to reading a book, but for articles and essays the reader selected rather than a media publication. Printernet is a web app for your reading list, that queues up 5 items from your list to be printed in a beautiful print issue.
Your reading list, shipped to you in a beautiful print issue