Jaikumar Chandrapalka

Jaikumar Chandrapalka

Engineer with ambition
16 points
All activity
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
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The product looks sleek and promising
Open-source low-code platform to build internal tools
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
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Platform looks good 👌🏻
Supercharge your career with world class mentors
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
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@benissen looks good will have a try. Video is 🔥
Learn how to no-code, in Webflow
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
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Nice one
Fundraising Kit
Fundraising Kit
All you need to raise a round
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
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Interesting concept 👍🏻
Intergalactic Football
Intergalactic Football
Manage a football team in the Metaverse
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
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Game Of Codes Fantasy Maps
Game Of Codes Fantasy Maps
If React, Vue, Angular, Bootstrap or Tailwind were countries
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
Jaikumar Chandrapalka
left a comment
will definitely give it a try
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