Jaen Hawkins

Jaen Hawkins

Online course and community manager.
All activity
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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da Vinci would love this!
Draw a Perfect Circle by Neal.fun
Draw a Perfect Circle by Neal.fun
Test your circle drawing abilities
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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I miss my little Nano 😢
Retro Pod
Retro Pod
Turn your iPhone into an iPod
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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I have intense "blank page paralysis" so this is what I need to make brainstorming happen
Idea Spark
Idea Spark
The ultimate resource for brainstorming and idea generation
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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I love this! What could possibly go wrong?
Death to Humans
Death to Humans
The latest in AI news, written by AI
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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Love a simple but effective mood tracker for mental health 👍
Them Days
Rate your day and identify trends in the bad days
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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Did not know how much I needed this!!!
Find the Spotify songs you thought were lost
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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@marianknopp here you go, calendar queen 👑
Calendar Review
Year-end review of your calendar & meetings
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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Here for this, b/c it's here for my anxiety 🙏
Don't like views on your Tweets, remove it using countless
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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OHHH this is fantastic!
Playlist in a Bottle by Spotify
Playlist in a Bottle by Spotify
Send your future self a musical time capsule
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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Both cool and terrifying at the same time...
AI Writer
AI Writer
AI powered keyboard for your iOS device
Jaen Hawkins
Jaen Hawkins
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This looks incredible! Would love to actually see it in action.
Question Base
Question Base
Turn Slack into a knowledge base with generative AI