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Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Yes. Been a beta user for a long time now. Thunk sidesteps a lot of the hype and bandwagon-jumping that goes on in the PKM niche and focuses on being smart, functional and aesthetically pleasing. It's been a real pleasure to see how Thunk has developed in the time I've known it. Looking forward to seeing what the future brings as it continues to be developed. Shout out to Andrew and the rest of...

Thunk Notes
The modern daily thinking tool

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Yes. I've been using Defter for a while now. I've tried a lot of other iPad spatial note-making apps, and Defter has a beautiful balance of graphic and organisational functionality— it's much more than just another iPad enabled sketchpad or notebook. Works very well for me.

Defter Notes
iPad app for handwritten spatial notes

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Drafts is my most used app, hands down. Low cost of entry, with so many options for developing your own workflows and integrations with other apps that it's worth every penny. It's a native app that works well with Apple standards (Reminders, Calendars etc) allowing it to operate as a hub for all of your doing and thinking, but it can just as easily serve as a starting point for pushing...

Distraction-free note taking app

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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I have a history of not keeping up with time-tracking. Session's not a time-tracker per se— it's not about producing timesheets or linking to invoices— but the combination of features it offers (customisable Pomodoro sessions, iOS widgets, Shortcuts integration, filterable lists of previous tasks, calendar integration, stats and visualisation) are perfectly balanced and exactly what I need to...

Pomodoro timer w/ distraction blocking, journal & analytics

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Some really solid features in Author. Particularly intrigued by the integrated concept map. Keeping eyes on this one.

Minimalist Academic Writing

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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My goto code editor when working on a Mac…

Sublime Text 4
The sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Looks great, and I'd love to experiment with it further. Looks like this could fill a tidy little gap in my current stack that would allow for collaborative knowledge management and sense-making. That said, is there / will there be a bookmarklet that *doesn't* depend on Chrome? And perhaps a PWA for mobile devices?
Save links and highlights to a beautiful personal page

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Would I be correct in thinking that this doesn’t work for web pages that exist behind logins? My use case: trying to find a quick way to make a widget with Fitbit data. Can’t get my head around the API, and thought this might be a quick way to display a bit of the web dashboard...

Glimpse 2
Lets you add any webpage as iOS 14 Homescreen widget

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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This seems VERY exciting.
- iPad app or decent web app with full feature parity, please. Pencil support would be a bonus, but nice to have, particularly for this kind of visual way of working.
- It’s been suggested elsewhere, but +1 for tags and/or cross-linked blocks. Double bracket wiki-links with auto-completion— would that even be possible here? Do these blocks have titles that can be...

Work visually with the all-in-one notebook for creatives.

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Clean, intuitive interface. I've tried a range of different time tracking apps, but having the effort tied to specific goals or attempts to adjust behaviour is an attractive proposition. Hoping to see sync between devices made available at some point in the future. Will that be a "prime" feature? The timeline's a nice bonus— would be useful to be able to zoom out on it. Also, would be good to...

Limit the time you spend unproductively

Jacob Sam-La Rose
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Notion somehow manages to be an incredibly flexible tool for collaborating on tasks, projects and wikis without feeling like it's trying to do too much. It's a solid option for a team hub. Most task/project management apps separate task items from information items. Notion allows you to do it all in the same place. Bonus: easy exports and imports...
Pros: Flexible management of...

Notion for iOS
A collaborative editor for notes, tasks, and wikis