Sagar Jadhav

Sagar Jadhav

Developer, driven by creativity
21 points
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Sagar Jadhav
Going through page after page of legal documents is an uphill task. However, that's something which must be done.
But, should "you" be the one to do that?
Absolutely not!
Feed all your legal documents to SureScan and watch it do its magic!
Sniff out suspicious terms from legal documents
Sagar Jadhav
Sagar Jadhav
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I like the intention behind this. Great product, Keith!
Single-use, 1-1, e2e encrypted messaging, in-browser
Sagar Jadhav
Sagar Jadhav
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Love the dark theme! Great product!
Create a professional-grade portfolio website
Sagar Jadhav
Sagar Jadhav
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Very innovative!
Humanities Illustrations
Free hand-drawn illustration library for your website or app
Sagar Jadhav
The Money Guide provides an easy, bucket-based wealth-allocation and budgeting plan to help you build discipline around your money, grow your savings, and achieve your financial goals.
The Money Guide
The Money Guide
A simple, bucket-based wealth allocation strategy
Sagar Jadhav
Determine exactly what percentage of your income should be invested in which area of your life. Want to begin saving for a house? Make your "Dream" bucket bigger. Unexpected expenses? Allot more of your income to the "Expenses" bucket. Simple.
Money Guide
Money Guide
Visualize your finances easily
Sagar Jadhav
Sagar Jadhav
left a comment
Seems like a great self-help tool!
No Sugar Today
No Sugar Today
Check-in daily & hold yourself accountable to avoiding sugar