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Jeremy Frisch
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Five years ago I used a spreadsheet to manage household expenses. Now I use Splitwise. It has made splitting household expenses between 4 roommates exceedingly easy. @nicholaskatz what differentiates Splittable from your perspective? Do you see yourself moving into territory where you take care of the bills and the household pays you? From what I can tell, it is a bit simpler and I...

Easily split bills & track expenses with your housemates

Jeremy Frisch
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Big fan of 15five. It's a great tool for keeping communication open between direct reports and managers but its only as effective as the questions asked.
@iamlukeryan @hollienish @dhassell are there plans to open this up so the whole community of managers can collaborate on questions? I'm imagining something like Product Hunt for Questions using a service like As it stands...

The Question Queue
Discover the questions that can transform team performance

Jeremy Frisch
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@imaginaryzebra submitted 6 of my DC haunts to get us going here. One thing that's missing for me is the outdoor seating situation (and whether wifi reaches out there) and how comfortable the seating is (which can make a difference after several hours in the same place). Thanks for building this!

Work Hard Anywhere
The best laptop-friendly cafes and workspaces

Jeremy Frisch
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Looks like a really useful but simple tool, thanks! Would also be a great Slack integration. You could enter "/coffee in 5 for 6" in a channel and it would post the signup link in the channel for a 6 person coffee run in 5 minutes.

Let everyone enter their order for coffee runs

Jeremy Frisch
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Are the surveys anonymous? If so, how are you breaking it out by segment in the reports? If not, how do you collect user information?

Create polls and instantly share them on Slack

Jeremy Frisch
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We just started using at Social Tables. Just created our own Better Error Page and it looks great! We hacked our logo in at the top and had to do some cleanup of the style sheet as one of the custom colors we added didn't come through. There's some weird validation on the custom color input fields so makes it a bit difficult to type in a hex code (we just ended up copying and...

Better Error Pages
Build free 404, 503 and maintenance pages in 60 seconds

Jeremy Frisch
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Just added a vote for DC. Great service!

Weave Concierge
Professional networking on autopilot.

Jeremy Frisch
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Reminds me of Divvy app but with the added benefit of sharing features:
Any plans to have a web app where people can join the bill? Much easier to get people to use it if they don't all have to download the app. After they see the benefit, they probably will anyways but it gets them over the hump when they're not early adopters like most hunters.
Great app though!...

The simple way to split a bill among friends

Jeremy Frisch
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I had a perfect use case today at work to share some quotes from an article by Fred Wilson ( at work but since I wasn't Facebook friends with people, I couldn't send the email notification. I tried sending the article link and imploring people to download Point but I got no adoption. @ mentioning email addresses is key. Also, hoping I...

Awesome link sharing/commenting with friends.

Jeremy Frisch
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wefi, a hotspot database, just released a report of the top 15 hotel brands with the fastest Wi-Fi. Interestingly enough, Red Roof Inn was #1:
I like that facilitates the communication between the guest and the hotel about their Wi-Fi speed...

Hotel Wifi Test
Choose your hotel by the quality of their WiFi

Jeremy Frisch
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Been watching them grow for a while, and seen the power of what A/B testing can do in a social setting. Stop guessing at what share content works - let the machines do it for you. If you have share buttons on your site, you're going to want to give Naytev a try (especially with a starting price of FREE).

Optimizely for social sharing

Optimizely for social sharing