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Min Jun (Eric) Kim
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Awesome stuff Matt! I’ll try it out for tonight
MovieTable 2022
A free database of movies, sort & filter by ratings & more

Min Jun (Eric) Kim
left a comment
So absolutely slick! Great stuff. Founders defo need this

Party Round
A fundraising tool for founders

Min Jun (Eric) Kim
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What's up PH!
I get a bunch of ideas throughout the day and before Capcha, pretty much every note-taking app would frustrate the heck outta me.
I would have to hunt for the new note button, be forced to come up with a title, etc.
Not anymore with Capcha! I've noticed I'm taking note of my thoughts and ideas so much more frequently now since it's so easy.
This is just v1, however, and I...

Capture your thoughts as fast as possible