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    Victor C.
    Victor C.
    started a discussion

    streak feature is broken?

    So until today i was on 109 days streak. Yeah I am obsessed.. okay that aside.. Suddenly i see i am on a 2 day streak.. How on earth is that possible if even my screen time says i am regular? Someone needs to look into this.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JgkftvyjomtHmxN_I_eAbYXBG1FtlzrG/view?usp=sharing
    Victor C.
    Victor C.
    left a comment
    Oh damn! This is hot cake. Who will try this … me me me me
    Create and remix music with AI
    Victor C.
    Victor C.
    left a comment
    Requested for access. Can you please grant.
    Build AI apps that generate text image and more without code