Juan Andrade

Juan Andrade

Solving for multi-entity companies
96 points
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Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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Congrats on the launch. Can't wait to try it!
Add collaboration to your SaaS app
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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go team Fondo!
Automatically get $ back from the IRS— avg startup gets $21k
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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Can’t wait to start using this
Playbooks, by GoSquared
Send your next email campaign in 3 clicks
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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Great work on the launch!!
B2B buy now, pay later for software and services
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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Love it. Great work team 🇯🇲
Finance for Founders
Startup finances 101 - videos, templates & tools for free
Juan Andrade
📚 50+ modules 📽️ 40+ videos 📝 10+ templates 🛠 ️Tool & KPIs calculators 📅 Calendar of key dates 💼 Must do’s of corporate admin 👔 Setup early finance processes 💳 Ways to boost your finance stack 🔍 CFO advice on hiring 💰 Tax admin you can’t ignore
Finance for Founders
Startup finances 101 - videos, templates & tools for free
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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The future of startup and product building is community 😻
Juan Andrade
Get your finance stack roasted for free with a personalized 10 minute video. Discover the best banks, apps and finance workflows with expert recommendations you wish you’d had earlier.
Roast My Finance Stack
Personalised 10-min video with easy-to-implement advice
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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Oat lattes and english breakfast
Afan Sheikh
Are you a coffee or tea person?
Juan Andrade
Make #finance decisions in Slack. Get alerts from all your banks when large payments come out or when your balance is getting low — all in a private channel, without ever leaving Slack.
rebank for Slack
Your startup's bank balances and transactions in Slack
Juan Andrade
Juan Andrade
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Nice. Congrats on the launch
Conversations by Thursday
Time for new social rituals for your remote team