Irina Gheorghiu

Irina Gheorghiu

CEO & Co-founder of ZIM Connections
1 point
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Irina Gheorghiu
Irina Gheorghiu
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Looks amazing! Love the concept! Congrats on the launch!
Find a movie to move you to a mood
Irina Gheorghiu
Irina Gheorghiu
left a comment
Have a great cofounder ! Its a long journey and indeed it is very helpful to feel supported!
Sushil Sharma
What the best advice you received about your startup?
Sushil Sharma
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Irina Gheorghiu
Irina Gheorghiu
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New iPhone 14 - eSIM only

Hey all, I would like to get your thoughts on the new eSIM-only iPhone 14 feature. Have you ever tried eSIM before? Was it easy to install in your opinion? Do you think all future phones will be manufactured eSIM only?