Ilia Zintchenko

Ilia Zintchenko

Explorer and entrepreneur
84 points
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Ilia Zintchenko
Insights instantly generates P&L and cashflow statements from raw bank data. With our top-tier transaction categorization, it ensures accuracy, letting non-tech underwriters and analysts focus on what matters.
Save 80% on underwriting businesses everywhere
Ilia Zintchenko
Butter is a one stop shop for all your sales, finance, accounting, billing and cost data with a natural language layer on top to ask questions, create custom reports and be on top of your unit economics and forecasts in real-time.
Butter AI
Butter AI
Revenue and Cost intelligence right at your fingertips
Ilia Zintchenko
Ilia Zintchenko
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co-everything! seeing so many use cases for this!
Limit Venmo requests & money fights with expense sharing
Ilia Zintchenko
Our Recurring Spend Management API is a new release on top of Ntropy transaction categorization core. It allows your customers to easily identify recurring expenses and price changes and stay on top of their finances in real time.
Ntropy Recurring Spend API
Ntropy Recurring Spend API
Help your customers manage their recurring expenses
Ilia Zintchenko
Income Check is a new endpoint built on top of our core transaction categorization and enrichment API. Fetch income, linking bank accounts within seconds. Onboard your customers instantly and get a detailed breakdown of income sources beyond payroll.
Ntropy Income Check
Ntropy Income Check
Verify your customers' income in real-time via bank data
Ilia Zintchenko
Ilia Zintchenko
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congrats on launch! awesome product! 🔥🚀
Find, control, and save on your subscriptions
Ilia Zintchenko
Ilia Zintchenko
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awesome Colab extension!
Tensorflow Research Cloud
Tensorflow Research Cloud
Accelerating open machine learning research with Cloud TPUs