Igor Kotua

Igor Kotua

Building AI products
104 points
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Igor Kotua
Igor Kotua
left a comment
Looks amazing 😍 Congrats on the launch!
Flipner AI
Capture your ideas & craft texts with AI's touch
Igor Kotua
Create AI optical illusion art with your logo in few minutes. Upload logos, pick your styles & generate 50+ pictures.
LogoPicture AI
Create AI art with your logo in few minutes
Igor Kotua
Igor Kotua
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Amazing product! Love notification center Let's go πŸš€
The open-source notification infrastructure for developers
Igor Kotua
Generate beautiful GitHub octocat AI art with one click. Promote open-source!
Generate beautiful GitHub octocat AI images with one click
Igor Kotua
ossjobs.dev is a job board to help passionate individuals find their next career opportunity, specifically in the open-source space.
Land your next job in open source
Igor Kotua
Igor Kotua
left a comment
Really cool! Love the mixing feature :) Would be really awesome to have a desktop app!
Noizer One
Noizer One
The ultimate sound mixer for focus, creativity and calm
Igor Kotua
Eagle Eye monitors over 10 platforms that are relevant for developers to find content in your niche, so you can engage with it and attract new developers to your community (and business).
Eagle Eye
Grow your DevTool by engaging with the right content
Igor Kotua
analyzemyrepo.com is a free tool to learn about the adoption, contributions, diversity, and governance of any GitHub repo. It crunches data from 150k+ repositories daily and provides valuable insights with charts, checklists, and written summaries.
Analyze My Repo
Analyze My Repo
Free analysis & insights for any GitHub repository
Igor Kotua
Igor Kotua
left a comment
Awesome work, you are killing it!
Via Protocol
All cross‑chain bridges and DEXs in one UI
Igor Kotua
Awesome GitHub list of open-source startups substituing well-known SaaS products πŸš€
Maintained by folks at Runa Capital.

It's easy to use: hit cmd + F and type a name of your favouite product (e.g AirTable, Notion, Roam Reserach, Google Analytics, etc)
Awesome Open-Source Alternatives
Awesome Open-Source Alternatives
GitHub list of open-source alternatives to well-known SaaS
Igor Kotua
Igor Kotua
started a discussion

Where to find marketing specialists for customer interviews? I am building no-code SQL tool.

Hi there! I am building DataQuestion.io - no-code SQL tool that helps non-technical people to work with databases. There is a hypothesis that this tool could be usefull for marketing / sales specialists. What is the best way to recruit such specialists for customer interviews? Or should I do something diffirent to test my hypothesis? Any advice is really appreciated :)
Igor Kotua
Igor Kotua
left a comment
Have you guys tried some other tools what substitute SQL? Interesting to know which ones.
Query database using natural language, no SQL required
Igor Kotua
DataQuestion is a no-code business intelligence tool that helps everyone to query database using plain natural language. We empower non-technical users to get the data they need, plot it and analyze without any help from the analysts.
Query database using natural language, no SQL required