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Vladimirs Matusevics
Create artworks in minutes!
You will find all essentials that are required for editing photos, working with layers, blending, cropping, filters, stickers, quotes and drawing. It also has different canvas sizes to help you to create great instastories or posts.
Photo editor
Vladimirs Matusevics
Do you know where you can travel visa-free with your passport?
With VisaGo we save your time - just type in your country passport and enjoy list of the wonderful visa free travel opportunities!
Find the best travel destinations with info about visa
Vladimirs Matusevics
Social platform to share efficient exercises and workouts.
Build your perfect body
Vladimirs Matusevics

Create unique stickers and export them to the different messengers. It's very easy to use - just choose a photo, cut a sticker and start using it in iMessage or export to WhatsApp or Telegram.

Stickerit - Make Stickers
Stickerit - Make Stickers
Personalised sticker packs for iMessage, Telegram & WhatsApp
Vladimirs Matusevics
Vladimirs Matusevics
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Well done! Great idea and implementation!
Buy Me a Coffee
Buy Me a Coffee
A simple, meaningful way to fund your creativity.
Vladimirs Matusevics

Avoid as more obstacles as you can in this thrilling time killer!

Train your reaction by tapping screen to make ball jump and go through different various blocks of figures. The difficulty level will increase the longer you stay alive.

I also made Trello board public -

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Vladimirs Matusevics
Daily workouts on your iPhone