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Brian Christner
Quiz GPT is an AI tool that generates quizes based on the prompted criteria. Quiz GPT also allows for the customization of the Quiz by the number fo questions, difficulty, and language of the resulting quiz.
Quiz GPT
Quiz GPT
QUIZ GPT provides high quality Quizzes using GPT
Brian Christner
Want to learn how Cloud Native Edge routers work? Need to deploy a Reverse Proxy? This course helps you get from 0 to production with Traefik the Cloud Native Edge Router with hands-on labs and valuable lessons built on real-world deployments.
The Complete Traefik Training Course
The Complete Traefik Training Course
Go from 0 to Prod with Traefik the Cloud Native Edge Router
Brian Christner
We are a passionate group of Work From Home (WFH) and remote workers. So we decided to create a list of our favorite tools both hardware and software into a Work From Home List. This list is open to contributions and voting. From idea to launch under a week.
The Work From Home List
The Work From Home List
A work from home list of hardware & software
Brian Christner
A daily podcast covering Containers, Cloud, and Tech
The Byte
The Byte
A Byte-Sized Podcast about Cloud, Containers, and Tech
Brian Christner
Fast community feedback on your prototypes and designs
Brian Christner
Puzzle game that puts your mind to the test
Brian Christner
Brian Christner
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Amazing product and great work! Best page builder hands down.
One page theme builder for WordPress
Brian Christner
The world's smallest bike rack