Ishaan Kohli

Ishaan Kohli

I build fun backend systems
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Ishaan Kohli
Metaforms is Typeform's AI successor. Build the world’s most powerful Feedback, Surveys and User Research Forms to collect life-changing insights about your users through generativeAI. Trained on over 5 million user responses to ask most relevant questions!
Metaforms AI
OpenAI + Typeform = AI for feedback, surveys & research
Ishaan Kohli
AI Form Roast by WorkHack is a free AI tool that analyzes online forms and provides feedback to improve completion rates and user experience. Trained on 1000+ forms, it generates insights into key areas like form layout, design, and conversion optimization.
AI Form Roast by WorkHack
AI Form Roast by WorkHack
Free AI tool to audit and optimize online forms