Benny Lee

Benny Lee

A simple full-stack developer :)
5 points


Hello, and welcome to my Product Hunt profile! I'm a passionate and forward-thinking Full-stack Developer with a strong knack for creating cutting-edge solutions that push boundaries. My journey in the technology world began with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from York University in 2019, and since then, I've been on an exciting adventure of continuous learning and growth. As we connect on this platform, I look forward to engaging with like-minded individuals, sharing insights, and exploring exciting opportunities. Let's embark on a journey of technology excellence together!


Indie maker


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • Project Hub
    Launch and control desktop programs with your mobile devices
    Jan 2024
  • Task Doer
    Task Doer
    A simple and powerful task management tool.
    Dec 2023
  • WOW Build
    WOW Build
    Talents and gears for your class from World's Top Players.
    Dec 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntNovember 5th, 2023