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  • Arijit Bhattacharya

    Arijit Bhattacharya

    UI Dev. Currently, in between things.
    43 points
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    Arijit Bhattacharya
    Arijit Bhattacharya
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    Hey Tristan Pretty sweet! Any chance you can reduce the Spotify permission scope?
    Spotify playlists from movie plots 🍿🎢
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    Worried that your time is lost in unproductive meetings β€” use deepwork clock and interactive bite-sized guide to free up more time.
    Keep a tab on your day
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    Arijit Bhattacharya
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    iPad app please!
    Save, organize and share ideas from all your apps
    Arijit Bhattacharya

    BundlePhobia is a web service to find out the how much size will a npm package cost your project. It can measure the size of CSS/Sass libs too and report whether the module supports tree shaking.

    The same service is available via cli tool and an atom plugin.

    Bundle Phobia
    Bundle Phobia
    Find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    left a comment
    Any way to ignore certain files and folders?
    Meta Search
    Meta Search
    Search your Desktop, Google Drive, Dropbox, Gmail, Evernote.
    +1 comment
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    left a comment
    2016 - From software to bubbles
    Cola Bubble Development Kit
    Cola Bubble Development Kit
    Build custom Cola Bubbles, get in on the conversation
    Arijit Bhattacharya
    Train your eyes and learn to speed-read through your reading