Hossam Samir

Hossam Samir

Empowering e-commerce with no-code apps.
6 points


Hey there, I'm Hossam, the founder of Montu. My passion is to empower e-commerce businesses with no-code mobile apps. As a technical founder, I understand the challenges of developing and managing a mobile app team. That's why I created Montu - a no-code mobile app builder that makes it easy for Shopify merchants to create their own mobile app without needing technical skills or hiring developers. My ambition is to continue expanding Montu's capabilities and help businesses increase customer loyalty and retention through mobile apps. I'm excited to be a part of the Product Hunt community and can't wait to hear your thoughts on Montu. Let's work together to revolutionize the way e-commerce businesses use mobile apps!


Founder at Montu, LLC.



Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Montu
    no-code mobile app builder for Shopify
    Mar 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntOctober 31st, 2020