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  • Lukas Bentel

    Lukas Bentel

    Partner, Hello Velocity
    87 points
    All activity
    Lukas Bentel

    We think it’s important that the country’s founding document be written in the language of the land: capitalism.

    Buy One, Give One.

    When you purchase a copy of this book we send one to you and to your elected representative in the House.

    Corporate Constitution
    A pocket Constitution written entirely in brand logos πŸ“ƒ
    Lukas Bentel

    Brand New Roman is a font made up entirely of brand logos.

    Each letter and number draws from a corporate logo, and much of the branding will be instantly recognizable for many of us, highlighting just how ingrained these companies are in our day-to-day lives.

    Brand New Roman
    Brand New Roman
    The typeface entirely made up of brand logos πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
    Lukas Bentel

    DreamCard is an all new service that allows you to convert your existing debit or credit card into metal. Our cards are about the same weight of a full metal card like Centurion or Palladium. Oh, and the card works everywhere your old card did! Customize your own design on a card, or plain metal. Remember to use code "PH" at checkout for 15% off!

    Turn your credit/debit card into a sleek metal card πŸ’³πŸ˜Ž
    Lukas Bentel
    First iMessage sticker gallery for digital art
    Lukas Bentel
    Brexit Bird
    Brexit Bird
    What's hopeless and frustrating? Politics... + Flappy Bird
    Lukas Bentel
    Fighting Tinder objectification. Create a MeatFace selfie.