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Jeff Mancuso
An amazing, first-of-its-kind, macOS 11 File Provider.
On-demand sync managed by APFS and Spotlight search inside every app on your Mac.
Browse and access every file without taking up hard drive space.
Cloud Storage with macOS 11's Secret File Provider Framework
Jeff Mancuso
ExpanDrive is a fast network drive and browser for cloud storage.
It connects to the cloud from within any application like Finder, Explorer, Photoshop or Office,
Connect to S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Sharepoint, Box, NextCloud, SFTP, WebDAV & more.
ExpanDrive 7
ExpanDrive 7
Cloud storage drive for Mac, Windows and Linux
Jeff Mancuso
- Map (mount) OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Sharepoint, S3, FTP, SFTP and more as a fast network drive
- Supports macOS and Windows
- Builds cloud storage support into Finder, Explorer and all applications
Network drive for cloud storage. Access files on-demand.