Yemisi Olorunwunmi

Yemisi Olorunwunmi

Product Marketer | Venture Associate
26 points
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Yemisi Olorunwunmi
Yemisi Olorunwunmi
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How have you "branded" your early stage tool, product, or company?

Hi All - Let's talk Startup Branding! These days, if a company doesn't create a recognizable social brand and/or external community, they may lose business to their competitors. I have a unique opportunity to lead the rebrand for a revenue generating startup. The startup is building a tool for community management and I'm curious about what I should consider when re-branding an existing...
Yemisi Olorunwunmi
Crystal is a community curated database of individual police officer interactions and police department culture. It is an open-source application backed by over 5000 submitted records.
RateMyProfessor for police officers & departments