Send the best (and weirdest) holiday greeting with Say BARK!, the app that lets you create and share animated cards starring your dog. Take a photo of your pup, add one of our filters and lip synced audio, and share your personalized message with the world.

SpeakingPuppy is an augmented reality app for iPhone that allows you to place filters and voices onto your dog in realtime. No dog required! App has many built-in. 2020CV Inc is a company that builds experiences using computer vision and machine learning, and is backed by Mark Cuban

InstaSaber is an Augmented Reality app for iPhone that allows you to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a virtual saber. It uses Machine Learning and Computer Vision to make the app run on an iPhone. Available now on the App Store (phone must support ARKit). It's more a proof-of-concept at this point, but let us know what you think!