HN Classics is a list of 1000 best submissions on Hacker News, compiled by choosing the links that were submitted at least twice to leave only the links that stayed relevant for a long time and sorted by their inflation-adjusted total upvotes.

Cryptoshirt works using QR codes. Anybody around you with the Woppal app can scan your code to get few woppals off you. Why is this a good idea ? We don't know, but it sounds fun and crazy. This t-shirt comes with a default 10,000 woppals at the base level, and would say "cryptoshirt" on it. Use code PRODUCTHUNT for 20% discount.

Alice in codeLand is an offline hacker simulator and a fun story of a hacker that aims to teach users about SQL injections.

I loved bitcoin memes so much, I made stickers on them and released an app. It has all the bitcoin & crypto memes you'll ever need. Or as my friend put it, "Lit memes for your bitcoin dreams."

Crypto Price Tracker is a beautiful and simple app that helps users track cryptocurrency prices from 18+ exchanges, set price alerts, and manage their portfolio.