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Checkmate is the ultimate savings extension. The first to automatically apply those coupons living in your email inbox as well as public coupons when you checkout, to save you more than any other extension.
Checkmate is Honey on steroids (& far less annoying)
Coupons from your email inbox & web automatically applied
Harry Dixon
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Hey Product Hunters!
Thanks, @ettinger for hunting us!
I am Harry, the co-founder of Checkmate. We are really excited to release the beta version of Checkmate and have you test the product and provide feedback!
As a bit of background on why we built Checkmate:
Like most people, who were bored and stuck in quarantine, we were confined to searching the internet for the next thing to buy...
Coupons from your email inbox & web automatically applied
Harry Dixon
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Check out:
Waze 4.0
The community-based traffic & navigation app, redesigned
Harry Dixon
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Hi All!
Bypass is a mobile application aimed at mitigating the public’s exposure to dangerous areas by taking them around high crime risk streets.
We have just released a 'beta' app in LA (specifically Santa Monica) that we would love for you to check out:
A bit more on how Bypass works:
Bypass leverages machine learning, crunching thousands of...
Finding the safest route from A to B
Finding the safest route from A to B