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GiftWrapp helps you discover, collect and save gift ideas, and reminds you of important birthdays way ahead of time. Save your own gift ideas, or choose from over 200 carefully curated suggestions. Give better gifts, have stronger friendships.

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Harry Lynn-Evans
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Hey Product Hunt, I’m Harry 🤠
As a non-technical Product Manager, I wanted to learn to code to better work with developers, so I learnt swift by solving a big pain point of mine… getting gifts for friends & family.
I hate gathering gifts for friends, but I love giving them.
I’m tired of forgetting great ideas I think of 6 months before a birthday, and I’m fed up forgetting birthdays...

Collect awesome gift ideas for amazing friends

Rock The Goat
Balance, laugh and cry with Barry the Goat

The Point
Danny O'Dwyer's insightful & funny videos on games

Harry Lynn-Evans
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It came out a year ago but only started playing it now, it's not too shabby.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Arkham Asylum meets Lord of the Rings

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Arkham Asylum meets Lord of the Rings

Harry Lynn-Evans
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Just launched on Xbox One.

Magnetic: Case Closed
Portal, but with a Magnet Gun instead

Harry Lynn-Evans
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The 'making of' is the most interesting part of the game IMO.

Man or Goat
A game about goat noises and man noises.

Man or Goat
A game about goat noises and man noises.

Harry Lynn-Evans
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To be released Fall 2016, just over 6 years after the first game. Think it is in safe hands with Creative Assembly, the team behind Total War and Alien: Isolation. Also a good way to show off cross-platform play between Windows and Xbox (if it works).

Halo Wars 2
The second Halo RTS with help from the Total War team

Halo Wars 2
The second Halo RTS with help from the Total War team

Harry Lynn-Evans
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Looks pretty similar to Badland too, such a nice aesthetic.

A gorgeous, atmospheric adventure six years in the making

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
Epic Star Wars RPG with big HD update 10 years after release

Harry Lynn-Evans
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A great spin the traditional quiz board game, with a lot more shouting.

Answer 4 questions, shout 'LINKEE' when you find the link

Answer 4 questions, shout 'LINKEE' when you find the link

Minimal neon physics adventure game

Harry Lynn-Evans
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Completely unique gameplay and puzzle system unlike anything else, great soundtrack too.

Device 6
A surreal thriller in which the written word is your map

Device 6
A surreal thriller in which the written word is your map

Harry Lynn-Evans
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Amazing game that didn't get enough love, probably coz it is an Xbox One exclusive

Sunset Overdrive
Like Tony Hawk, but with guns and mutants

Sunset Overdrive
Like Tony Hawk, but with guns and mutants